Friday, May 6, 2011

Progress Part 2

Things are starting to look up!  Not only have I been invited to write for wiseGEEK on a regular basis, but I've also been published on Hobbizine!  If you've ever wanted to know the basics of determining model rocket altitude, click here!

I wrote that article mainly for teachers who are introducing their classes to model rocketry and the math involved with the hobby.  I might do a follow-up article later about measuring altitude with the alt-azimuth method.  For now, I'm just happy to be published!  In the long run, I'd love to see something I've written make its way on to real paper.

As for the job search, I've had one preliminary interview with Dow Corning and I have another one scheduled with Eagle Rock Energy.  The Dow Corning position is interesting since it would mean leaving Texas and heading north for Michigan.  Pretty big change, but I think I could deal with that.  Eagle Rock is closer to home.  Actually, it's not too far away from where I was born.  Pampa isn't the biggest city in the world, but I would still be fairly close to Amarillo and I could always visit Lubbock.  It's a different landscape out there, but it's still a part of me and I always enjoy it when I make a trip to west Texas.

I decided to get a new phone specifically for my job search.  So far, my Droid has been everything I wanted it to be!  The ability to check my gmail has been really helpful and I appreciate having a functional phone battery again.  My old phone wasn't really bad, but the battery had finally seen enough and I couldn't find a new one. Plus, the additional functionality was an added bonus.  The one downside is that Heather has become addicted to Angry Birds, but it's only a problem because I'm addicted too and there's only one phone.

The only bad thing that's happened this week is what appears to be a small sinus infection.  It's been getting better and running the humidifier at night has helped a bundle, but it's still not the most pleasant experience in the world.  When I talk, it makes my voice crack.  I hope my interviewers don't think I'm 12 or something...

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